
Showing posts from March, 2018
Professional Aviation Organizations 1. What associations will it be important to belong to when you are employed and engaged on your career path?  Identify at least two organizations.       Becoming a member of a professional aviation organization is an important step to take to develop your continuing understanding and knowledge of the industry as well as showing prospective employers that you have a genuine interest in the industry. Being an aviation management major, I have researched two such organizations. These are the American Association of Airport Executives and the Michigan Association of Airport Executives. 2. Research the associations that you identified. Discuss the mission and functions of each association. Also discuss the role of these organizations in the overall industry, including their support for other sectors of the industry.     The American Association of Airport Managers was founded in 1928 and offers continued training; additional certifica
1) Describe the US-UAE Open Skies Agreement. List and describe two long-haul carriers that are a part of this agreement that also receive government subsidies.      The Open Skies Agreement is a policy that eliminates the governments involvement in the airline decision-making process. These decisions are routes, capacity, and pricing for international markets. (State Department) Two of the long-haul carriers in the Open Skies Agreement are Etihad Airways and Qatar Airways. Both airlines are based in the middle east and receive government subsidies. 2) Do any long-haul US carriers receive subsidies or have received subsidies in the past? If so, which airlines? Why?      The answer is yes. According to Kevin Mitchell, Business Travel Coalition chairman, every airline is funded by its’ home government. (McGee, 2015) When you fly commercially there are taxes and fees on that ticket. These are used to fund commercial aviation. This is not a new idea. The government was instrume
What are the qualifications of John Dunkin (President Trump's pilot)?.      He was responsible for coordinating all flights for all the aircraft in Trumps’ fleet during his Presidential campaign, making sure all aircraft were within regulations, and responsible for prepping all aircraft in accordance to company policy. The fleet consisted of four aircraft. (Laris and Halsey, 2018) -Who are the other candidates for FAA Administrator and what are their qualifications?      There are three candidates on the shortlist for the FAA Administrator. They are Dan Elwell, the current acting FAA administrator, Representative Sam Graves, and Bobby Sturgell. Sam Graves and Bobby Sturgell are licensed pilots. Graves has been a long-time